Excessive Root Growth.

In the cucumber, tomato, and eggplant sectors, the phenomenon of “Crazy Roots” is frequently observed. This bacterium remains undetected until the crops are harvested and its characteristic is the excessive growth of roots. Much to the annoyance of farmers as this bacterium can cause a lot of problems.

Agrobacterium Rhizoghenes Agrobacterium Rhizoghenes

In “Crazy Roots” superfluous roots are produced. The cause of this phenomenon is the bacterium Agrobacterium Rhizoghenes. Through wounds or weakened cells in the roots, the bacteria penetrate the root. The result of this bacterium is the wilting or death of the crop. Moreover, the bacteria can strike crop after crop, which can mean a huge loss for the cucumber and tomato industry. In the case of crops kept on a nutrient medium, roots will continue to grow for years and thus excessive root growth can occur, which can lead to a loss of production.

A genetic change in the root A genetic change in the root

What makes “Crazy Roots” so special is the excess growth of roots. These abnormal roots are covered with hairs, and it is these hairs that keep the roots from being able to absorb nutrients and water. The agrobacterium causes a genetic change in the plant. Thus, it invades the root and its T-DNA is passed on, resulting in hairy roots.

In addition, this bacterium causes the crop to become more fragile, and more susceptible to other infections. The result is a more expensive crop. Once this bacterium is present in your roots and there is contamination, roots can no longer be made healthy and this bacterium remains present in the roots of your crops.

It is recommended to deal with this bacterium during the crop rotation, however, this is often without any success. Research shows that reinfection is mainly due to insufficiently cleaned drip hoses, cuttings, drain gutters and drain drainage systems.

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