Ultrasonic technology breaks down biofilm that adheres to pipes, storage tanks, cooling and heating systems.

This brings numerous benefits: preventive protection in water against bacteria-growth, mold and toxic substances, longer lifespan for water-equipment, lower maintenance costs and energy consumption.

Ultrasonic Group offers

Industrial solutions

Our solution covers a wide range of industries

Cooling and
heating systems

Cooling water treatment
Steam exchanger
Open Cooling
Proces water


Drinkwater lines
Washing lines
Sprinkler systems
Irrigation lines
Process lines


Hybrid Pools
Jacuzzi & Hot Tubs
Swim & Fish Ponds
Water Bassins


Industrial boreholes
Deep boreholes
Shallow boreholes


By eliminating biofilm with ultrasonic technology, the growth of algae, bacteria, and limescale is prevented. This creates a safer environment for the system and its users.


Our devices are non-toxic, chemical-free and require a low power supply. By using ultrasonic technology you reduce fuel emissions and carbon footprint, while sustaining a healthy environment for both humans and animals.


Not only does ultrasonic technology guarantee a longer lifespan of all systems, our products also reduce energy and maintenance costs and ensures a reduction in the use of chemicals.


One device can protect water over distances of up to 350 metres and can break down biofilm right down to the finest cracks and holes in a wall.